Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Today i have been learning about similes.
Similes are figures of speech that compare one thing with another thing of a different kind such as…

Thay was as fast as a race car.
Thay are as cute as a kitten.
Thay are as cool as a iceblok.
Thay are as funny as a clown.
 You are werd as slime.
 You are as angry as a bull.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Indea-May,

    I love how you have given a great example of what a simile is and your examples go with the pictures well.

    As a next step it would be awesome if instead of using 'they' you could say....'The tractor was as fast as a race car'.

    Thank you for sharing.


    Mrs B.


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